USA -----State Pagan Church -----------False Worship
Church and State ----emerge together when the State set up an image in honor of the Church, the State and the Church pass a law to force the world to worship both the State and Church with pagan worship.
New World Order
New Government----- Emerge of Church and State
New Religion ------Sunday Sabbath----worshiping the Pope and Satan
New Economy ----- Want be able to buy or sell except those who have the Mark and worship the Image (Sunday Sabbath). And anyone who refuse the Mark and refuse to worship the Image should be Kill.
Old Testament Babylon State and Church
Dan. 3: Image set up for worship-- All who refuse to worship the Image will be kill. Dan. 4: Babylon wounded by God's Word for seven years, but the wound was heal. Dan. 5: Babylon great empire fell----- making no differant between the clean, unclean and holy things fell deep into apostasy worshiping other gods.
Just like the old Babylon State and Church was destory and no longer exist the same will be with the New World Order.
Who is He that know all things
Isa.46:9-10" For I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there none like me.....Declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient time the things that are not yet done."